



happy small business week everybody!


I just spent $70 on stickers!






and also, finally my website is LIVE!!!!!!




here’s to being broke and living the dream. here’s to living with uncertainty and chasing everything you want out of life. fuck yeah you small business owners. and fuck yeah 250studios is an LLC. just, fuck. yeah. You can do whatever you want. If you’re willing to stay up on your laptop for like 12+hours straight, give yourself some carpal tunnel or some shit, shamelessly promote yourself and take the biggest fucking social risks you’re ever gonna take in your life.


then you’re gonna be alright.



I’m gonna be alright.



I’d say I’ve done pretty well so far.



and there’s a long, long way to go.


stay adventurous
stay hungry
stay mothafuckin fresh


happy friday
happy t.g.i. motherfuckin f






help wanted



please apply for the social media position
at the internship I’m working at.


fuckingbitches. I spelt magezine <– wrong. and I shouted FUCK so loud as soon as I hit post. but my boss doesn’t fucking know that! she doesn’t also know that my life has been falling apart pretty much since October and I have been trying already REALLY hard to keep my soul on dry ground.

treading water, staying afloat.
watching the waves watch me drown.

and poetry, man. that’s where its at. I don’t know truthfully where I’m going to move next. but I need to get the fuck out of CT. that’s for certain. BK is looking like a good prospect – even though my dad doesn’t want me there. but no one wants me at home anyway so – whatdafuckthen does anybody care?


BUELLER, BUELLER? anybody fucking BUELLER?


there’s me & there’s my art. and there’s that little nook in the side room where I talk it all out with myself. talk myself down off the cliff. because there’s a steep one right on the neck of that bottle. goddammit thanksgiving is going to be hard.


I should at least bring a flask, even if I do go to my parents’ house. I am dreading it for reasons anybody who doesn’t know a Borderline won’t understand. That’s the great mystery my friends, that’s the unclinical diagnosis. the clinical one is schizophrenia, but its more than that.. she’s a little bit more on each end, than that.


I can do it. I can do it.


Unofficial, unannounced, impromptu meeting last night about twofiftystudios, my comrade & I met up at a shitty bar and talked it out, about filming next week (which is greaaaat because I have a tech class I need footage for) and the chicken is coming before the egg. that’s all for that speak.


triple double plus good. someone should make a move for the 50th anniversary of 1984. I think I want to do that.


I FUCKING CALLED IT. hollywood, stop stealing my ideas. lol, I really honestly get fucking mad when you do. workaholicssss… you jerks nabbed me clean out of workspace confessions. but its fine. wc is way darker.

sorry – is this called “storiesofastalkergirl”?


its not.


I’m gonna go make a tuna


x x


day one



today’s a day of many firsts
most importantly for twofiftystudios




that corner office man, a place for all my plants. all my plans too, that’d be nice.




yeah, that’d be real nice. I’ll brush up on my computer literacy.. because really, even posting a picture in wordpress is like a fifteen minute saga. posting on twitter? a lot easier. I’m judgemathis on twitter. really, IAMJUDGEMATHIS. it used to be my aim screen name in high school. now a lot of people follow me that think I am actually the tv personality judge. I don’t have the heart to tell them otherwise.


website for twofifty is in the works. then we got some shorts to shoot, actors to audition and shit to do. I’m pretty excited, we also have to get literate on the law. which is a buzzkill for creative business, haha, but necessary for long term gigs. ya gotta grow if ya wanna grow – in all areas.


which makes a LOT of sense – especially right now in my life; there are many firsts going on & its all a little chaotic. but the Bradshaw Bonus is: if you let all the buzzkills get you down, you’re just gonna be sad & sober. lol – be a stoner! maybe not even a literal one. selectively obey the law and just do ya own thang. F the world. and take down Monsanto – they fucking suck.


gotta go pack my clothes & all my belongings because my mom is have a schizophrenic episode and is kicking me out – happy trails. And that is not an exaggeration. haha! FIGHT THE BUZZKILLS & keep trekking on


stay open
keeping loving




back from brooklyn


and its killin me
wallet and soul


I don’t even want to look at my bank account right now. And all I ate was an apple today. But hey, you know what they say…


The inspiration has been priceless though, and the future ahead in it, unfolding. I’m hopping off the mystical pony right now to bring it to you straight.


I don’t even know if I want this job that I’m interning for. I like it- I could love it. But its not exactly the field that I’m interested in. Could I? Get interested? Yeah. Hell yeah. But do I want to pursue that kind of “art field”? Only slightly.


Media Art is more what I’m geared at. That’s what 250 is going to be. http://www.twofiftystuios.com is the domain name I’ve been hunting after.



and I’ll share this moment with you – I’m the happiest girl right now.


of course I just signed up for it. paid less than ten bucks- hope its not a scam. psssh, you people who say stoners don’t do anything…


I forgot what I was saying! yes – the professional world and living in the city… the Carrie Bradshaw thing. Except not in Manhattan. We probably have the same fucking model of mac though – mine is prehistoric & sometimes I think the people at the gallery judge me for it. but I don’t care about that. I care that they’re the kind of people that would judge me for it. and the kind of people that judge anything. or get mad when the internet is bad. or just too mad too fast for any kind of silly reason at all. hell – the only wordpress experience I even have is updating this thing.


it may go without saying it was a tough day at the office. lol. just as a saying.


but it made me think of something – when we allow some one to treat us badly, even just once… it gives them permission to keep doing it. When we don’t have some kind of adverse reaction – like say its our boss. or its our hottie older Mr. Biggs.. what do you do? well I’d take it. I did. twice in one week. haha. almost twice in a weekend.


and its not good. there needs to be a lot more self worth that I have for myself. like I’d just get down real quick on myself. like that I ACTUALLY DID do something horrifically wrong, or too strange. that I’m not accepted.


But you know what? I just bought twofiftystudios.com and that’s the most awesome thing of the night.


so sucka later


