


thank you.

one hundred followers. yay


it means a lot to me. honestly. I know the whole point of this internet facade is to be detached and removed from warm fuzzy feelings. but I have them I promise, and right now they’re a warm light pink hue.

one hundred followers might not seem a lot to big wordpress vets out there pulling in 5389 comments on a post about wheat; but I’m running a blog with the man power of one and its based loosely off weed. Stories of a stoner girl really isn’t something I’m sticking on my resume just yet. I’ve been fired from two pretty important jobs in my life. Either I need to get my shit together or the gods are telling me to keep going with my gut and become an entrepreneur.

I’m currently building a post-production and distribution team. I might enlist my city slicker super awesome cousin to help me. But I’m kind of scared I’m too low budget for her. Definitely can’t afford her services for like…  even a day, but we’re family, and I think she likes me pretty well and I know she likes film, she has good taste and has worked for super marketing firms in manhattan. real city, real sick.

The biggest hurdles for me are 1) asking for help, because 2) being confident.


3) writing a business model with numbers, percentages, projected outcomes and business valuation.

I had a team once- aka a Rocco, on production who was my arm and leg. I miss him. He is so cool. But he’s busy being an actual professional in his field of cinematography, and I’m just being an artist running a company. I need another arm and leg so we can start running folks. Because the irony in that former sentence ladies & gents was “artist running a company.” wut. like who is me?


we have TWO images today because this is a celebration of LIFE!!!!!

haha, enough cats. I’m going to ruin this. I’m going to ruin your minds.


click that shit. to see what I did there.

If you have a Facebook, and you like to follow pages. We have a The Common Alligator page. It really won’t blow your feed up, promise I run that and I try to keep it low key. When we have clips and fun stuff, you’ll definitely want to see it. If at least half of you good souls like us, we’ll reach 200 likes, and then another space cat celebration, yay.


this mother fucking space cat will take you there, one more click to like us plz, and one more step closer to transcendental happiness.

space cats

I love you all


alternative media, writing

at&t, milk of the beast

i has internet again.


now the real fun can begins.

but it will be much more than space cats with burritos and bananas. much more than a gif.


Its got a pulse and is getting close to a beating heart!

All it needs it a willing audience. People that are creepy and strange like me, but that want to be entertained without their brain turning to actual rot. They are curious and want to be informed about this world – bias as we may be toward revolution, anarchy and revolt – there’s a subtle touch of social commentary within the work we produce.

so subtle.

unlike the guys that bump into your ass leaving the bar.

like; I know what you’re doing. & I work here. so stop.



ah, it feels so good to be back.



second hand smoke



well, sorry for losing my shit in that last post.


it happens sometimes.


I’m in much brighter spirits today. 



But its been a real grind lately. There is no vacation in sight. Social media lends us information sometimes we’d rather just not see, not know, not give a fucking shit about. 


But we do, we give so many shits for so many things that we should probably just forget about. 


peace Big. you were great. and you’re still a muse. but I have to stop setting my heart up for disappointment. There’s been too much of that in the past, from a lot of folks. The future looks a lot brighter, a lot less cluttered with broken shit. 


How bout some of that exxxpensive shit, yeah? Next phase, 250studios has got to get some funds directed at it. I am working on it. Sometimes I wish I’d just die before I have to grow up and run a company. Its so tedious some days, and it doesn’t feel real. The first day I can pay myself, it’ll maybe feel a little real. Maybe when people jump on board. The right kind of people. It will feel real.


250studios is for the kind of people who would like this blog. If you like that good good, that dark, that smart, that sexy shit. Without the objectivism, prejudice, corporate reach, you will like us. We have our first film in production and after that we’re going to a web series. After that we’re going to mars and probably prison. LOL, jk. don’t touch me pigs.







real talk



today is a very big day for me.
and I haven’t taken a shower yet. 



First production meeting/read through for The Common Alligator is happening today. & I’m so excited. This shit is happening. I opened up our bank account on Wednesday and that godforsaken fundraiser video should be done maybe by the end of June- inshallah. 


I have completely neglected my submission for NBC Comedy Playground and while I do think that Summer Camp is an ideal set up for a sitcom, I might fall out of the running based solely on the poor quality of my video footage in the video pitch…. for which I used my iPhone and my friend. and the poor video quality of the bagheads… for which I used a flip cam, and once again, my friends.



I had such a great IDEA for the video pitch. But just not enough time and resources to execute it. I still have…. like four days….. and then we start filming for TCA on Monday. Like, seriously, am I insane?


no. just ambitious. uninhibited. wild. and stoned most of the time. so maybe yes, insane.


speaking of insane. EDC….. bomb. so so so so so SOOOOOOO fucking good. We almost left because we were soaked to the bone, cold, and all my weed got wet in the downpour of rain. We actually did leave – where there was no re-entry. But we turned right around and changed our minds and I talked to the security guard who was just such a big softie for some cute girls in short shorts. Then we just rolled right away, warmed up , danced so hard, and had a fucking blast. 


speaking of having a fucking blast, work work right now suck sucks. I’m actually 85% convinced that I’m gonna get fired from my day job waiting tables at the snob fest in Fairfield. but, I’m at that point – call it what you will – where I genuinely don’t give a fuck whether they fire me or not. Waitressing anywhere is a job where you pretty much get paid to eat shit, and if I get fired – that just proves I’m not that good at eating shit.


welp, who’s the real winner here then anyways? hm?



speaking of eating shit… lol jk. I don’t have any more stories for now. 


chase what matters, everything else can just fall back.


stay notorious








happy small business week everybody!


I just spent $70 on stickers!






and also, finally my website is LIVE!!!!!!




here’s to being broke and living the dream. here’s to living with uncertainty and chasing everything you want out of life. fuck yeah you small business owners. and fuck yeah 250studios is an LLC. just, fuck. yeah. You can do whatever you want. If you’re willing to stay up on your laptop for like 12+hours straight, give yourself some carpal tunnel or some shit, shamelessly promote yourself and take the biggest fucking social risks you’re ever gonna take in your life.


then you’re gonna be alright.



I’m gonna be alright.



I’d say I’ve done pretty well so far.



and there’s a long, long way to go.


stay adventurous
stay hungry
stay mothafuckin fresh


happy friday
happy t.g.i. motherfuckin f




