
day one



today’s a day of many firsts
most importantly for twofiftystudios




that corner office man, a place for all my plants. all my plans too, that’d be nice.




yeah, that’d be real nice. I’ll brush up on my computer literacy.. because really, even posting a picture in wordpress is like a fifteen minute saga. posting on twitter? a lot easier. I’m judgemathis on twitter. really, IAMJUDGEMATHIS. it used to be my aim screen name in high school. now a lot of people follow me that think I am actually the tv personality judge. I don’t have the heart to tell them otherwise.


website for twofifty is in the works. then we got some shorts to shoot, actors to audition and shit to do. I’m pretty excited, we also have to get literate on the law. which is a buzzkill for creative business, haha, but necessary for long term gigs. ya gotta grow if ya wanna grow – in all areas.


which makes a LOT of sense – especially right now in my life; there are many firsts going on & its all a little chaotic. but the Bradshaw Bonus is: if you let all the buzzkills get you down, you’re just gonna be sad & sober. lol – be a stoner! maybe not even a literal one. selectively obey the law and just do ya own thang. F the world. and take down Monsanto – they fucking suck.


gotta go pack my clothes & all my belongings because my mom is have a schizophrenic episode and is kicking me out – happy trails. And that is not an exaggeration. haha! FIGHT THE BUZZKILLS & keep trekking on


stay open
keeping loving


