
help wanted



please apply for the social media position
at the internship I’m working at.


fuckingbitches. I spelt magezine <– wrong. and I shouted FUCK so loud as soon as I hit post. but my boss doesn’t fucking know that! she doesn’t also know that my life has been falling apart pretty much since October and I have been trying already REALLY hard to keep my soul on dry ground.

treading water, staying afloat.
watching the waves watch me drown.

and poetry, man. that’s where its at. I don’t know truthfully where I’m going to move next. but I need to get the fuck out of CT. that’s for certain. BK is looking like a good prospect – even though my dad doesn’t want me there. but no one wants me at home anyway so – whatdafuckthen does anybody care?


BUELLER, BUELLER? anybody fucking BUELLER?


there’s me & there’s my art. and there’s that little nook in the side room where I talk it all out with myself. talk myself down off the cliff. because there’s a steep one right on the neck of that bottle. goddammit thanksgiving is going to be hard.


I should at least bring a flask, even if I do go to my parents’ house. I am dreading it for reasons anybody who doesn’t know a Borderline won’t understand. That’s the great mystery my friends, that’s the unclinical diagnosis. the clinical one is schizophrenia, but its more than that.. she’s a little bit more on each end, than that.


I can do it. I can do it.


Unofficial, unannounced, impromptu meeting last night about twofiftystudios, my comrade & I met up at a shitty bar and talked it out, about filming next week (which is greaaaat because I have a tech class I need footage for) and the chicken is coming before the egg. that’s all for that speak.


triple double plus good. someone should make a move for the 50th anniversary of 1984. I think I want to do that.


I FUCKING CALLED IT. hollywood, stop stealing my ideas. lol, I really honestly get fucking mad when you do. workaholicssss… you jerks nabbed me clean out of workspace confessions. but its fine. wc is way darker.

sorry – is this called “storiesofastalkergirl”?


its not.


I’m gonna go make a tuna


x x
